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Swimming benefits.

Sport Comparrison

Swimming is one of the best sports ever. Now, many people might object to thius statement, but actually swimming and getting good at it is the best gelling anyone can every imagine. Also swimmers are diverse. For example, in soccer, there are mostly hispanic people playing, in basketball, there are mostly african americans and white people. But in swimming, there are people of every race, from asain to american, england to indian. Also swimming is a really refreshing sport. Most sports after playing, make you want to take a nice hot shower, but in swimming you are already in the water, and all ready feel refreshed. Also, swimming is not affected by weather, because you can heat the pool in cold weather, and keep it cool in hot weather. So there isnt actually a bad weather day. Now we can do all the "What if's" likr "What if there was ablizzars outside?" or "What if there is a tornada?", but the reality of this happening in most places is really low. And if it did happen, 99% of sports would be canceled. So in reality, swimming is a really nice sport.

Best Feeling in the world

Have you ever felt how the water feels like when you swim? The feeling of the water grazing your skin as you speed through the pool is amazing. It feels like you are being surrounded with a soft substance, that makes you feel absolutly no discomfort. Also when you start swimming, you are probably gonna start splashing like crazy, trying to reach the other end. But as you get better, the felling of being good gets better and better. Also, you do sweat in the pool sometimes, but when the water washes that off, you feel like youv have just been reborn, as a littl child entering the world for the first time. Also, when you get even faster, and start making JO's you will be travling through out the state and nation, competeing against other people, showing off your talent. Most sports dont do this, you just play in your little district in your city, and you PLAY ALONE. But in swimming its a whole team effort. And its not like there is only one stroke, you will be swimming many strokes, and are not expected to be a "micheal phelps" in all of them. Like in basketball, you have to be good in running, dribbling, shooting, dodging. But in swimming you really need to be good in 1 or 2 strokes out of the 4. Now if you swim olypicly, you will need to be good in your main strokes, and descent at your other strokes.


There are many benefits of swimming. Firstly its universaly the same. SO you can move to different locations, but 99% of them will practice the same thing. This is really helpfull, because sports like tae-kwon-do practice different things around the country. I used to be a black belt where I first started, and i really loved the sport. Then I moved across the country and the tae-kwon-do places in Cali, practice different things that i did not know. Also, since swimming is a team sport and a solo sport, its benefitial to every type of person. Whether they are shy, or are outgoing, or love to play team sports. Swimming is also a good way to gain mmuscle and power. The sport requires you to use every ounce of strenght you have in your body to compete. This helps all of your body gain strenght, rather than one part. Swimming is also one of tha rare sports that help you gain stamina to help people with asthama conditions who cant do most sports.