Hmmmm... Pets?

Easy choice??.... Mabye not

Now pets are very complicated. The pet you get really reflects on your personality. Cats may mean that you are isolated, or stingy. Wanting a dog, you may be playfull and energetic. Fish can mean your interseted in just having a pet, and want to start small and build your way up. So deciding what pet you truly want can be hard. Most people go for dogs, but what if you truly want a cat but everyone tells you dogs are better. Also, once you choose the kind of pet you want, there is the isue of deciding which one you are gonna get. And as you walk by the pet prison called the pet store, the guilt inside of you rises, as you see each pet, eye to eye, knowing that if you dont take him/hrt, it will rot in yhr tiny cage asigned to it. This is why it is hard for me to choose a specific breed of pets, or in general go and buy a pet. But if I would buy one, it would be a dog.

Why Dog?!

Now dogs are called a "Mans best friend". But is that really true? No! A dog isn't a mans "best friend" its part of the mans family. A dog is the one of the only pets, that will welcom you home every day. It will bring you up when your sad. And although it doesnt speak english, it will always understaand your feelings. A dog will always accept love, and although may be a little anoying at times, but he is always there. Also dogs are a fun way to exersize. You can play frisbee or catch. You will have to walk around and will also accept that you are becoming an adult and will have to accept that you are to be more responsible. Also a dog will always be loyal to you, and its more of a family-family relationship, than a owner-slave relation. If you respect your dog, it will respect you back. Also dogs are increadibly different from each other. Some dogs are lazy, some are excited. Some are cute, some are ugly. In many ways dogs represent us, mabye thats why I would choose a dog as a pet.